All about Douwe Dabbert

* all publications and additional information *

from Piet Wijn and Thom Roep

Bermudillo, Timpe Tampert, Daniel Dudek, Gammelpot, Dusty Dabbert, Teobald, Nicky Bommel, Danny Doodle, Bobo Pak Janggut ..... and Barbie, published by the United Arab Emirates

See for the Dutch website: 

Hello, my name is Peter C. A. de Jong ................ 

Thank you for visiting my website, the ultimate Douwe Dabbert website, the "Douwe Dabbert Bible." It is the largest Douwe Dabbert fan site on the Internet.

It is the most comprehensive online guide about Douwe Dabbert, what has been published in the Netherlands and internationally, from 1975 to the present, including albums, special issues, videos, promotional material, brochures, leaflets, posters, newspaper clippings, accessories, specials, drawings and paintings, and much, much more. And there's more to come .......!


In the website, the albums are sorted


In addition you will find in the website a page “All editions/”inserts”. These are magazines, which have included a Douwe Dabbert story in their standard magazine, in the form of a series. Think of the many Dutch Donald Duck weeklies (1975-2001), which stories later appeared in comic books, but also Pulgarcito (1981) and Zipi y Zape (1981) in Spain, Bobo Sisipan in Indonesia (1985-1996), the children's magazine ZACK (1990) in Luxembourg, and also the Barbie Magazine from the United Arab Emirates.

Very special is the abridged Douwe Dabbert story - The Hidden Animal Kingdom - in the 1975 Donald Duck #45 issue, as a supplement of Libelle Rosita. This was only published in Belgium.


From March 16, 2023, the Dutch comic magazine Eppo started a series of short tribute stories to Douwe Dabbert, eleven in all, by various illustrators and scriptwriters, which will culminate in an album in 2025. It will then be fifty years since Piet Wijn and Thom Roep's dwarf with the magic knapsack made his appearance in the weekly magazine Donald Duck.


I would like to express my great thanks for the personal contact, which I have with Thom Roep, the scriptwriter........ I am sincerely very grateful to him. For other persons, whom I would like to thank, see the “Contact” section.


Besides my informative website, I like to collect everything about Douwe Dabbert. Why ......... Well, they are friendly stories, which just contain so much excitement and humor, that they ask to be read through. They take place in a kind of fairy-tale nineteenth-century world, skillfully portrayed by illustrator Piet Wijn with a sense of humor and detail.......... But also in appreciation of Piet Wijn and Thom Roep, as others have done with the “Stripschapprijs” to Piet in 1984, and the “Bullet and Bonestaak Schaal” for Thom in 2015.


For all the issues and articles, which I have in my collection, I put a check mark .


Join me on a journey into Douwe Dabbert's past and present, and I hope you like my website.

For now, enjoy the website and feel free to contact me at if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.